Monthly Archives: February 2015

Traveler’s rite of passage

I finally flooded it!


After 20 years living, traveling and working in developing Asia you’d  think I would have flooded a motorbike in a tropical rainstorm by now. Well, truth is I’ve tried but never succeeded. Until now!

This little alleyway is behind my office. When it rains it floods and today was the day that I finally found enough water to flood my bike!

The guy that followed me through was obviously a bit more skilled than me. I’m usually pretty adept  at maintaining enough momentum, but today the water got in and my bike promptly stalled!

Finally, I thought. Weird, but I kinda felt proud of myself.


Living in Bali

Outside the box…

There’s not much to say about this really. Its just a delightful memory.

Shortly after we moved into our new house in Ubud, Bali, in 2010 I got to take part in this craziness with my kids. Our furniture hadn’t arrived yet – in fact, come to think of it I don’t know that we had even bought any! So there we were, upstairs in this huge open room, surrounded by paddy fields and excited to be settling in.

A little water goes a long way on a tile floor! I think the kids discovered this game first. You toss a little water on the floor and then slide around in it. I just helped them get organized and maximize the experience!

Within about ten minutes we had covered the floor from end to end and graduated to a level where we were using the walls to kick off and glide in unison. I love my kids and such out-of-the-box activities always leave me feeling like I’ve done a really good job as a dad. I love their spirit if adventure and the crazy games we get to play together. In hindsight helmets would have been a good idea. But we survived.

Infinite love…

A simple meditation

I was pressed for time, but felt an overwhelming need to sit. I just wanted to be still. Just for a second. I needed to recalibrate before I went out into my day. I’d been busy and was “carrying something” – like a sadness or something. I didn’t really know. I just felt like I needed to sit and look inwards. I needed to make a quick journey somewhere else.

I have come to trust such sensations these days and so I honored it. I sat down. I set my timer for 5 minutes and plugged in to my music for assistance. My go-to meditation music right now is this mix from a yoga class taught at the Robot Heart camp at Burning Man.

I plugged in and breathed (my new headphones really help!), feeling instantly like I was in an elevator, descending floor by floor with every breath. Within seconds I saw my wife, Jamie, kneeling before our wood stove in our living room in Canada. I’m currently in Bali. I continued to focus on my breath and the vision and settled beside her.

I felt an incredible uprising of love. Tears filled my eyes and I just sat there, breathing, and being on another continent beside her. My vision was so powerful. I had the biggest smile and tears streaming down my face – just a brief moment in time, but one in which I was absolutely transported through time and space to the fireside of a small house in British Columbia. I was completely enveloped in love – looking straight into Jamie’s eyes and just smiling serenely. I had found my soul mate and I realized I was carrying loneliness and missing her.



I chose the weird photo above because when I came out of my meditation and opened my eyes I looked straight at this handle on the chest of drawers. Somehow it was as if everything else in the room was slightly out of focus apart from this one object. It leapt out at me and the message was clear: everything is infinite – including love. I guess I thought that because I interpreted the design on the handle as a symbol of infinity. I wonder, then, whether enlightenment is simply the experience of infinite love?

Who’d have thunk it?

I have known some dark places in my life. I have occupied states of mind profoundly different to  this moment described. So I know that when they come we must celebrate them. These moments of clarity and love that arrive so suddenly and with such intensity are often fleeting. But in this moment I know they are real and tangible and here to be cultivated. This is love in action and I am inspired by the practice I have developed and the relationships that I have discovered that have allowed such experiences to be part of my story.


BC beach meditation

This couldn’t be simpler. I just wanted to take a minute to appreciate the details. The beaches of British Columbia can seem desolate inhospitable places in January. But amidst the cold and grey  and bitter cold I found incredible stillness and glimpses of striking beauty.


I was so taken with these colors, patterns and textures. Hidden gems.


I saw the living and the dead interwoven. I saw life cycles and the incredible intelligence of nature. I saw multiple generations and symbiotic relationships and marine and terrestrial species communicating so subtly to one another.


Form upon form. Species upon species. Story upon story. Time the only constant.


I love this space between land and ocean. The intertidal zone. The edge. The space where all living creatures are inspired to adapt frequently!





Maya Skye Tamblyn



Introducing Maya…

This photo was taken at about 6.30 am. Maya had just gotten up for school and in true fashion was already well in to an impromptu creative design experiment before she’d even finished getting dressed. I don’t really remember exactly how this started, but what I do remember is looking over at the kid who is constantly off on tangents and thinking, “wow. her creative energy is just flowing this morning. If she’s late for school its worth it. I’m just gonna let her roll with this one and take the pressure off to get her morning jobs done.” And so there she was, engrossed in a self portrait of sorts, an exploration of the contours of her face and – in a way – of the mind within.  

I found this shot to be so haunting and what she’d created to be so effortlessly powerful. Such is life with Maya: a constant exercise in open-mindedness! This kid epitomizes what it means to be “outside the box” and so what better image to use for her first appearance on this blog?